Greetings Wives On Purpose!
As I was organizing files on my computer. I found this great post from my old blog. Although it was written on 1/9/12, the message is still relevant. We must be diligent about marriage maintenance.
I hope you enjoy the post:
This morning I moved a stack of clothing from a basket, to the bed and then to a chair in my bedroom. This wrinkled pile of pants, skirts, and blouses needed to be dry cleaned. I rehearsed my "to do "list in my mind and wondered when I was going to get them to the cleaners.
I looked across the room to my open closet and surveyed my shoes. Some needed to be polished, others discarded and few needed heel replacements. I added the shoe shop to my "to do" list.
Signing, I remembered a time in my life when running errands to the dry cleaners and shoe shop did not require list placement. Here I stood the wife and mother of three who desperately wanted to wear nice clothing but could not maintain her wardrobe.
Carefully I evaluated my situation. I was guilty of failure to maintain the clothing that I
have. Instead of making time to dry clean and repair I let worn things pile up. I stored and shifted the items needing attention rather than take appropriate action. Do you know what else?
I realized that I am guilty of the same behavior in my
If you are like me, you can look at some issues that need attention and store them away or simply let them pile up. Things like hurt feelings, anger, or money issues should not be placed on a "to do" list.
Instead you must address them with your husband. Don't move conversations around the room without deciding on when you will clean the issues up or get them repaired.
Marriage is a bit like clothing. You get the designer pieces and enjoy wearing them at first. Didn't you stand tall and flaunt your new husband when you first got him? Well, just like that great "little black dress" your marriage will get worn and need to be repaired at some point. Don't put it off with a sigh.
Enjoy your marriage. Just don't forget the maintenance!
Ministering to marriages, one wife at a time
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